Heartbreakingly bad.
I was crying a lot this morning and my heart still weeps even now.
It is a private matter and I do not want to give any details. I only spoke to one person about it besides my husband and it broke my heart even more having to talk about it.
In times of heartbreak there isn't much you can say to yourself to make it better.
The fact is, you wish things happened differently.
Nothing can change that.
As much as we can quote verses like Romans 8:28, it does not change the fact that we've been hurt deeply and irreparably.
What we do need is strength. Strength to get through each second, minute, hour, day. Strength to do the things we need to.
As I was searching for ways to feel better this morning I remembered this passage: Nehemiah 8:9&10
And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha,
and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the
Levites that taught the people, said unto all
the people, This day is holy unto the Lord
your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the
people wept, when they heard the words of
the law.
Then he said unto them, Go your way,
eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send
portions unto them for whom nothing is
prepared: for this day is holy unto our
Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the
LORD is your strength.
That phrase 'the joy of the Lord' sounds like something we can all just know what it means- but what does it mean?
That is the only time it occurs in the Bible.
I've always wondered but I never looked into it. This morning it finally occurred to me what it means.
God's joy is His perfect will.
Nehemiah is about the people turning from their wickedness, growing in the Lord, and rebuilding Jerusalem. That gave joy to the Lord because it was His will. That time was not easy for Israel. It took lots of work and some heartache but, you know, that is the only place in the Bible where it talks about the joy of the Lord.
In my situation now, I am not happy the way things turned out, but I am strong in the fact that it was God's will. I am strong in that God has a plan, He is teaching us something, and clearly, now is not the time. I am strong in that God knows everything, He hears my prayers, Christ is interceding for me, and He knows absolutely what is best.
God knows our situation, He knows what I want, need, desire, hope, pray for. He knows.
Sure, I am still sad, but the joy of the Lord, His perfect will, gives me strength.
I hope that makes sense and helps you in some way.
God bless.
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