Monday, 4 May 2015

Show Him you Love Him

I'm not exactly Wife of the Year.
I make a lot of mistakes and they all boil down to selfishness and pride.
I've picked up a few hacks in my four in a half years of marriage and I thought I'd share them for anyone reading. These are all tangible ways to show your husband that you love and consider him. They go hand in hand with pursuing peace by not nagging him.

1) Get up and greet him
It occurred to me one day that I used to always get up and greet my husband. Between breast feeding and cooking it got lost and I found I was waiting for him to come over and greet me.
Now no matter what I'm doing I always stop to go to him and give him a kiss.
I know this may sound ridiculous to a newly wed but any experienced spouse knows: after the honeymoon life takes over and you get busy.
Make sure to give him a good kiss when he gets home. It may be the only one you get a chance to give him until you go to bed.

2) Shave your legs
This is something my husband really appreciates. He does not like spiky legs. He does not mind if I let my armpits go, but my legs are another story. I need to clarify: He is not grossed out by unshaved legs and he does not get angry if I do not shave them. He likes soft legs, who can blame him? And honestly, I don't mind shaving my legs in the middle of winter just for him. I know it's not a waste of time. This is kind of like someone holding the door for you- it's considerate and you appreciate it.
My point here is: find out what your husband likes and make it happen.
He likes you wearing makeup- wear it
He likes a certain scent- make an effort to spray it on
He likes long hair- let it grow

3) Cook his favourite food
This is kind of tough sometimes because it might mean barbeque chicken with potato salad and macaroni and cheese. Fat, sugar, and carbs all rolled into one. Your man will love it though. After a hard day's work, coming home to find you made a dinner completely inspired by him will erase 99% of his stress.

As wives it is our job to build up our husband. Our marriages will not last if we are selfish. Small things like those mentioned above will make a world of difference in your marriage. Letting your husband know he is appreciated and important to you will help your marriage to last.

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