I know that I could have easily been lacking a mother and I appreciate the blessing of growing up with two parents and an extended family around.
What I am about to write is something I've thought about for a long time. I do not mean to be hard on women and I certainly do not want to slight any of the mothers in my life. I do want to make known a terrible disease in our world today
One of the worst things about being a young girl is the lack of truly Godly influential women to look up to. There is no biblical training.
There are things I cannot talk about to some of the women in my life because, frankly, they failed at it.
Marriage, for example, is a big thing. It is a LIFE thing. A marriage that will succeed needs to be tended to like a garden- weeds need pulling out, there must be fertilizer, watering, sowing, fruit bearing, growth, purging, and everything that comes with a healthy garden.
I do not remember once being taught about marriage.
I thought love was a feeling- what the other person makes me feel. I've since learned that true love is completely selfless.
Marriage needs working through.
I have grown so much in my marriage. I am not perfect but I know I have matured a lot.
I once tried to express some of these things to a woman in my life but I had to stop lest I offend her.
She did no such thing in her marriage. She was a continual dropping to her husband.
Our men drive us nuts sometimes, but most of those things can be processed internally and handled with grace. Most of those things can be dealt with by the Lord.
Nagging, disrespect, disobedience, turning their children against them- none of that is justified before the Lord.
It is not up to us to change our men.
It is up to God.
Fortunately, I have a sister. She, like me, is working towards a lasting and healthy marriage. We are able to talk to and encourage each other in this endeavor.
I don't understand: we train people for jobs, why can't we train people for life?
Don't our children deserve to have a fighting chance?
I think people assume the child will figure it out on their own. By God's grace, some do, but I'd say most don't.
We're brought up to be selfish- to make ourselves comfortable at the cost of others.
We're brought up to unleash our feelings and emotions despite the consequences.
We're brought up thinking we are always right- the way we do things, the way we think, and what we believe.
We are not taught to edit ourselves. We are not taught to change.
This is why marriages fail- people are selfish. We are consumed by our emotions.
A wise preacher once said that bible believers should 'live by principal and not by feeling'.
We have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to guide us. Is it really that hard to listen?
A wise preacher once said that bible believers should 'live by principal and not by feeling'.
We have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to guide us. Is it really that hard to listen?
One thing I desire is to always be close to my children. They will grow up and leave me but I pray that they will always be comfortable coming to me for guidance, comfort, help, or maybe just to talk.
I pray they will be able to trust me- that I've done what is best for them as they grew. That I stood by their father, supporting him, loving him, trusting him, respecting him, and reverencing him.
I cannot expect my children to obey me if I am not obeying God and my husband.
I just don't understand why some women make their own lives miserable by fighting against the things God put in place to keep us happy.
If you are a mother to a daughter you are blessed.
I would love to have a little girl.
I hope you are taking the time to train her.
Not just in marriage, but in life. I hope you are taking time to teach her what is important, what it is to be a lady, what it is to have honour.
Young girls need good role models. Not just at church but at home. They will not find it in the world.
They need strong women who they can go to for help. They need to know that Hollywood does not produce anything even remotely close to true love.
Young girls need to know that marriages can last if they put in the work. They need to see you do it. They need to be taught.
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