Devotions are no exception.
One thing I realized a long time ago is that devotions actually get done when you set aside a time for them. If you wait until you have time you'll never do them.
You must realize that feeding your soul, walking with in the Spirit, drawing closer to God and getting to know Jesus better are the priorities.
It is not eating breakfast, cleaning the kitchen, finishing up a project or any of those other things we use as an excuse to stay away from the Word.
As a Christian you will thrive in every area of your life if you dedicate time to study and prayer.
When you are firm with yourself, it gets easier and easier to be consistent. As you walk in the Spirit it gets easier to make the right decisions.
For example:
I do my study devotions when my son takes a nap.
I do everything when my son takes a nap.
My thoughts as soon as Bo goes down are something like this-
'I need to clean the kitchen, prep dinner, fold the laundry, throw in some laundry, make sourdough, prepare for Sunday.....
What do I do first?'
Then I go pick up my bible and do my devotions.
I spend between thirty minutes to an hour in my devotions. No matter what I have to do I always manage to get everything done.
In the past I would look at everything I had to do and just get started hoping I would have a chance to do my devotions after. I never would.
I set my heart to do my devotions as soon as Bo went down for his nap. I stuck to it and it gets easier and easier to do them.
I look forward to them and they give me strength.
Another example:
I am terrified of soul winning.
Talking to people about their souls is frightening to me.
I know it's important and that we're called to do it but I couldn't get my flesh under control enough to even hand out a tract.
As I fed the New Man (Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10) by reading, praying, and studying I became bolder and more determined to share the gospel.
It's like Peter and John in the book of Acts:
Not only that, it sets your priorities in order.
It's funny that way- You make God your first and absolute priority and everything else gets put in place, completed, and you are more fruitful.
Human logic says otherwise doesn't it?
I started praying for opportunities to give out the gospel, I keep tracts available with me at all times, and I make sure to heed the Spirit's urgings to hand them out.
God gives me opportunities and I take them.
My flesh does get in the way sometimes but it is easily overcome.
What this boils down to is priorities.
What are your priorities in this life?
This life ends. This world will end. Nothing we have in our lives right now is coming with us when we leave- by death or by rapture.
I don't believe any born again Christian can say that they do not think it's necessary to spend time in the Word. I know many know it's important but do not give it the time of day.
To be really fruitful as a Christian you must be spending time in the bible.
Want to be a better mom? Read the Bible and pray about it
Want to be a better wife? Read the Bible and pray about it
Have wayward family members? Read the Bible and pray about it
Having trouble at church? Read the Bible and pray about it
As you feed the New Man, you're life will change. No matter what is going on around you, you'll have the strength and time to deal with it prudently.
'I need to clean the kitchen, prep dinner, fold the laundry, throw in some laundry, make sourdough, prepare for Sunday.....
What do I do first?'
Then I go pick up my bible and do my devotions.
I spend between thirty minutes to an hour in my devotions. No matter what I have to do I always manage to get everything done.
In the past I would look at everything I had to do and just get started hoping I would have a chance to do my devotions after. I never would.
I set my heart to do my devotions as soon as Bo went down for his nap. I stuck to it and it gets easier and easier to do them.
I look forward to them and they give me strength.
Another example:
I am terrified of soul winning.
Talking to people about their souls is frightening to me.
I know it's important and that we're called to do it but I couldn't get my flesh under control enough to even hand out a tract.
As I fed the New Man (Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10) by reading, praying, and studying I became bolder and more determined to share the gospel.
It's like Peter and John in the book of Acts:
Now when they saw the boldness of
Peter and John, and perceived that they
were unlearned and ignorant men, they
marvelled; and they took knowledge of
them, that they had been with Jesus.
Acts 4:13
Spending time with Christ makes you bolder.Not only that, it sets your priorities in order.
It's funny that way- You make God your first and absolute priority and everything else gets put in place, completed, and you are more fruitful.
Human logic says otherwise doesn't it?
I started praying for opportunities to give out the gospel, I keep tracts available with me at all times, and I make sure to heed the Spirit's urgings to hand them out.
God gives me opportunities and I take them.
My flesh does get in the way sometimes but it is easily overcome.
What this boils down to is priorities.
What are your priorities in this life?
This life ends. This world will end. Nothing we have in our lives right now is coming with us when we leave- by death or by rapture.
I don't believe any born again Christian can say that they do not think it's necessary to spend time in the Word. I know many know it's important but do not give it the time of day.
To be really fruitful as a Christian you must be spending time in the bible.
Want to be a better mom? Read the Bible and pray about it
Want to be a better wife? Read the Bible and pray about it
Have wayward family members? Read the Bible and pray about it
Having trouble at church? Read the Bible and pray about it
As you feed the New Man, you're life will change. No matter what is going on around you, you'll have the strength and time to deal with it prudently.
Lay not up for yourselves treasures
upon earth, where moth and rust doth
corrupt, and where thieves break through
and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth
corrupt, and where thieves do not break
through nor steal.
Matthew 6:19&20
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