Friday 13 November 2015

Be Diligent

***This is completely separate from the post: Please pray for Davey and Weston Blackburn who just lost a wife and mother. She was shot by a burglar in their home. It's a terrible tragedy and they need your prayers. You can read the story here***

One of the truest and easiest ways to show that you love someone is to value what they value.
Joseph's brothers did not love their father so they sold his favourite son into slavery. Later on in the story when Jacob's next favourite son Benjamin could have been taken away, his sons proved themselves and their love by sacrificing themselves to protect the one their father loved. 

If I want to show my husband that I love him I must value the things he values whether it be making sure the cats stay off the counter or being hospitable to his family when they stay over.

Our relationship with God is no different. 

The lesson plan I'm following in my bible class briefly covered David and his heart after God's. As a child I had no idea what that meant. I thought maybe David was a stickler for doing right and had lots of faith. 
Now that I'm an adult I've learned through study that David valued what God valued. 
In 1 Samuel 17 David is convincing Saul that he can defeat Goliath. In the course of his speech he tells Saul that he fought a lion and a bear in order to protect his father's flock. His job was to protect those sheep, so he protected them with his life. 
Before this ever convinced Saul of anything, it had a twofold effect in David's relationship with God.
It effected David's faith in God:
David said moreover, The Lord that
delivered me out of the paw of the lion,
and out of the paw of the bear, he will
deliver me out of the hand of this
Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go,
and the Lord be with thee.
1 Samuel 17:37
David had no problems going up against a 9ft 9in giant because he had already seen the deliverance of the Lord.
As David's faith in God was strengthened, God's trust in David was strengthened. 
I really think that Jesse, David's father, would have been disappointed but okay with losing a lamb to a lion and a bear. Better a lamb than the life of his son. God, however, used that situation to prove David and see what he would do- would he obey his father's instructions to KEEP the sheep or would he keep himself. David valued what his father valued and when no one else saw that, God did.
This was the difference between Saul and David: Saul was made king to fight Israel's battles whether it be against an army or against a giant. Instead, Saul cowered in his tent and tried to bribe others to do his job for him. Saul kept himself. David, as the servant of the Lord, did what the Lord wanted despite the circumstances and the enemy ahead. David valued the name of the Lord more than he valued himself. 
This explains why Jonathan in 1 Samuel 18 does this:
And Jonathan stripped himself of the
robe that was upon him, and gave it to
David, and his garments, even to his sword,
and to his bow, and to his girdle.
1 Samuel 18:3
Jonathan was the rightful heir to the kingdom. As great as Jonathan was he stood with his father in the tent as Goliath taunted them for 40 days. Jonathan, seeing David's actions, realized that this was the true leader, this was the true heir, this was the true king. As Jonathan gave his princely clothes and weapons to David he gave up his own place as heir and submitted to the Lord's will, that David would be king instead of him.

Back up to 1 Samuel 16 when Samuel is looking to anoint one of Jesse's seven sons. Except there are eight sons and no one bothered to call the youngest. 
This is the absolute first time David appears in scripture yet God's testimony of him is that he has a heart after God's own. 
This tells us one very important thing- David was diligent in his business. On the fields, day after day night after night, David watched and protected his father's sheep and when it was all quiet, David sang songs to the Lord.
David was about two things: obeying his father, and worshipping God.
Then answered one of the servants, and
said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the
Bethlemhemite, that is cunning in playing,
and a mighty valiant man, and a man of
war, and prudent in matters, and a comely
person, and the Lord is with him.
1 Samuel 16:18
David didn't promote himself, the Lord promoted him. David's reputation, even as a shepherd with no reputation in his own family, went before him because God says this:
Seest thou a man diligent in his
business? he shall stand before kings; he
shall not stand before mean men.
Proverbs 22:29
God blesses our obedience, diligence, and worship.

So David was diligent and faithful. 
Here is a young man, who when God came, was right where he was supposed to be. He never promoted himself or exalted himself. After playing his harp for Saul, he went right back to watching the sheep.
The only reason he was in the position to hear Goliath's words was because his father had sent him there to bring food to his brothers. 
Not only was he diligent to be where he was supposed to be but he was diligent to do his job right.
He protected his sheep with his life, he made sure they were taken care of when he was away from them, he made sure Goliath knew it was God that would win the battle, and no matter how high Saul promoted him, he behaved himself wisely (1 Samuel 18:4).

David's diligence to do right produced the faith he needed when the time came.
The faith David had did not just come with a snap of the fingers. He could not just summon it. The great faith showed in the defeat of Goliath was the result of his proving God, time and time again.
The situation with the lion and bear is one example we know about, but who knows, there may have been other similar situations. The fact that he was anointed king must've told David that God was watching him, knew what he was doing, and was with him.

So, as monotonous as life can be, be diligent to do what the Lord has given you to do whether it be staying at home with children or going out to earn a living.
Do it right, behave wisely, and worship God.
When you have a decision to make: read your bible or watch one more episode, read your bible. Choose God. These small things show God that you are trustworthy in the big things and your faith will be increased. 

If you want a heart after God's own heart, do what He set you to do- give value to the things he values. As my pastor says, 'worship shows what something is worth to you'.
David did not go out and seek fame and glory. He just stayed with the sheep, all day every day, in hard times, in easy times, and while he was diligent to do his job, he worshiped the Lord. 

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