Monday 21 September 2015

How I Decide What to Post

When I first started this blog I thought it would be a stay-at-home-mom blog where I'd post mom/wife/home type things with smatterings of my interests like the bible, knitting, gardening, and things like that.
Obviously I post about those things occasionally but it clearly isn't the point of this blog.

The purpose of this blog is to glorify God in any way He wants to be glorified. If He wants a family blog, He'll get a family blog. However, He doesn't seem to. He seems to want me to write about biblical issues I am presented with whether in my devotions, church, or daily observations.
Whether I have one reader, a hundred readers or no readers, the point of this blog is to be a blessing to anyone that comes across it and to strengthen my faith and walk with God.
If I am the only one who benefits from this blog, then so be it.
I've always enjoyed writing. If I had pursued it the way I should have I would certainly be better at it. Other than linking to this blog on my pinterest, instagram, and twitter accounts, I don't really promote it. I want this to be a work of God, not a work of grace (me).

That being said, how do I decide what to write about?
It starts, as everything should, with prayer.
I pray about this blog, I ask what to write about, I pray while I write, I make sure that it is a work of faith.
I don't know if anyone is reading this blog on a regular basis, if anyone is, I have no idea what they need. God knows who this blog reaches and what they need. If I want this blog to be a blessing to anyone, including myself, I can't rely on my knowledge. I have to rely on His.
I will say that I do fail at this sometimes. I have deleted published posts that were not written with the right heart.

Secondly I write about whatever keeps coming up. It can be something I keep observing, something that really effects me, or something God lays on my heart.
I am very passionate about the bible. I am very passionate about true doctrine. I'm not willing to just make a statement about the bible without proving it from the bible. I want to be as biblically sound as possible. For that reason my posts are longer and take more time to write. It isn't a bad thing but I do realize that I should write more posts that are shorter and simpler, like this one.

Lastly I try to post about things that are a blessing to me. This blog is, in a way, about being a stay-at-home-mom who is trying to serve the Lord with her life. I don't have a clue about what it takes to be a man but I do know a little bit about being a wife and mother. I hope my experiences and things that make a blessed difference in my life can help others in similar situations. There are things that people have given and shown me that are daily a blessing. I hope I can give that to others.

Things I try to stay away from:
Using this blog to complain. It just gives way to my flesh and does not help anybody.

Stirring up strife. While I know that the gospel is an offense and preaching is foolishness to the world, I do not believe in writing about things just to make people angry and offended. If God leads me to write a post that will offend people, I certainly will, but to go out of my way to deliberately anger people is not the purpose of this blog. For example: a person I know once said something contrary to the bible in front of my husband and myself. We then corrected him and it lead to a long discussion. After that, this person posted on facebook that my husband and I had attacked him. This person knew full well what our stance on the bible is and he deliberately said something we would not let him get away with. I do not want to be that person. People who live for God will be attacked in one way or another no matter what they do. I will not invite it for the sake of inviting it.

Being negative about people in my life. While I draw from personal experience I do not want to slander anyone. There are many times I've done or said something out of character simply because I was tired, grumpy, or just not thinking. I want to give people the benefit of the the doubt, be gracious, and understanding towards them. Just because I have a place to speak doesn't mean I should use it against people.

Being negative in general. Let's face it- there are a lot of negatives in life and we tend to focus on those more than the positives. If a negative post must be written then so be it but I want those posts to be the exception, not the rule.

Leading others astray. There are issues I'd like to write about but it would mean talking about things and people that may lead others astray. I will not give someone the tools to fall into false doctrine. For example: there is a blogger I read occasionally who says a lot of things about current issues I agree with. However, though he claims to be a Christian I have not found one page on his site promoting salvation or presenting his beliefs. On top of that he does not use the King James when he quotes 'scripture'. Because of all that and a few other things, I will not promote his blog on this blog. I would love to be a resource for good Godly materials. As it is, most blogs and websites out there have doctrinal problems that could harm a new Christian. I will not be responsible for that.

Writing things I would not people who know me to read. In a sermon I was listening to a little while ago the preacher asked if we would be okay if Jesus looked through our phones. I thought about it and was very happy to realize that I keep my phone clean. Anyone can look through my phone and I would not be ashamed. I want my blog to be like that. I want to present myself as myself. I don't want to paint one picture on here and another in my daily life. Anything I admit on here I should be able to admit at church, to my family, and to others. I don't want to be worried that someone I know will find this blog, and read something I'd rather they did not read. I want my conscience to be clear about what I write.

There you have it! The ways I govern this blog.
I hope this was in some way a blessing to you!

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